Mystical Teachers and Messages of Universal Wisdom Come in All Forms.

Are you ready to open your heart and take an awakening journey of spirit with one of those teachers?

Lisa’s Latest Book…

The Ride of Our Life: Lessons in Faith, Love, and Wisdom from a Magical Horse…

tells the story of the profound relationship Lisa Brisse shared with her horse, Little Miss, a Zen master in animal form whose spiritual mission was to teach Lisa and many others about love in all its soul-shaping complexity. If you’ve ever bonded with an animal and felt an unspoken communication, The Ride of Our Life: Lessons in Faith, Love, and Wisdom from a Magical Horse will speak to your heart. And if you recall leaving home for the first time and setting out to find your place in the world, this book will take you back to your younger self and the complex emotions of that moment. At a time when it is crucial for us to heal our relationships with ourselves, each other, the planet and all its living beings, The Ride of Our Life offers a remarkable story of love and connection that can help show us the way.

Lisa Brisse – Author, Coach, Exercise Physiologist, Spinning® Instructor, Meditation teacher, Founder of State of the Heart Fitness and lover of life, humanity and the planet.
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